The Turning Point Story

I spent the night on the streets of Toronto, my phone was about to die, but I wanted my wife and 8 week old baby to know I was ok.

It was just any other work day when I left my Toronto office to begin an hour and half commute home. I texted my wife that I was boarding the train until something went horribly wrong.

The train didn’t leave the station. In fact everyone was told to get off the trains immediately. People started panicking, jumping to conclusions and naturally assuming the worst. The hotel prices which were already super high were now impossible for me to afford, and they were booking up fast as commuters scrambled to secure their accommodations.

I spent the night jumping from one cold street bench to the other, watching the rats scramble about the city. It was a long night, but I learned something really valuable. I was done with working a 9-5 job in the big city and commuting in traffic for 3 hours a day. Something had to change. Enough was enough.

I could see that doing real estate part time was giving me part time results. So I quit my job, and jumped into real estate with both feet.

I grinded it out hard, working 80 hours a week. No one told me how to properly nurture leads, or how to run an Open House that actually produced a CMA. I just did it all! Door knocking, cold calling, facebook ads, networking events, calling my sphere.

It was exhausting, and it still wasn’t the answer. I knew I couldn’t keep up this pace, so I changed my approach and started writing my own play book. One that produced incredible results. My first year as a solo agent I hit 6 figures, but I paid a price. 

This is why I created the 4 Zones of Marketing.  Aren’t you sick of starving for leads and operating your business out of scarcity? Are you done with that sinking feeling of dread every time you have to make a call? Or stricken with anxiety wondering when you will get that next deal?  

Don’t make the same mistakes that I made, instead, get in the zone with your 4 Zone of Marketing. 

The Agent League is more than just a platform, it's a revolution in real estate. It’s time to get in the game. We are here to coach you through every play, ensuring your business strategy is not just good, but Hall of Fame- Worthy!

Are you tired of seeing "If you want leads, do this ONE thing", it's over-saturated and overdone. Everyone thinks they have the answer or the secret play to generate leads. 

Here's the thing, lead generation literally comes from the core of your being. Your DNA. Your personality style. All of which make you unique and special.

Social media is screaming at you to do this ONE THING, but at the same time it's telling you to show up authentically, but be professional, be hilarious, be a dancer, or an actor but at the same time show value, and don't forget to use trending audio and key phrases. Honestly it's confusing, and it changes every 5 mins. 

Let me ask you something: do you feel anxious every time you decide to finally do a social media post? Does it consume your mind? Does filming content chew up 2-3 hours of your day on ONE post? If this is you, social media is NOT your zone of marketing. So why are you doing it? Why are you wasting time on a lead gen source that doesn't coexist with the essence of your being? 

This is why I created the 4 Zones of Marketing. I have seen so many agents get stuck in this trap and jump from one lead gen source to another. The lack of consistency and focus leaves you feeling like nothing is working for you, and the market is against you. It's not. You're either doing too much with the wrong tools or you haven't been doing it long enough. 

When I first started my career as a real estate agent, I had a newborn baby at home, my wife and I were drowning in debt, and I was working full time at a Sales job that was over an hour commute each day. Something had to change. I used credit cards to pay for my license, so there was no budget for lead gen, even if there was, I had no idea where to start. 

Sure there's my sphere, but who's going to trust a rookie agent with their biggest financial asset? 

So I started asking questions, and doing my own research. After grinding it out hard, I realized I achieved exceptional results if I just focused on my 4 Zones of Marketing. 

See I was trying to do it all, and it wasn't working. I was just burning up my energy. When I started focusing on just my 4 Zones that coexisted with who I am naturally, it didn't exhaust me. Actually it gave me more energy, because I was able to show up authentically and do what I was good at. Discovering my 4 Zones took off an enormous amount of pressure, confusion and dread. In my first year as a solo agent I hit 6 figures! We cleared off our line of credit and paid off my wife's SUV. 

Do you think lead gen would be less soul destroying if it was something you actually loved doing? Do you think you would get more clients if you were operating your business in an element that came more naturally to you? Would knowing your 4 Zones of Marketing give you direction, focus and freedom? 

Discover your 4 Zones of Marketing. Book a FREE 30 mins call here. Now is your time to align who you are as a person, with your business, and achieve incredible results, with less effort.

Donald Porter

You may be wondering why a washed up musician who originally went to school for classical piano decided to create a sales and marketing coaching platform with a sport theme! 

Growing up I was always obsessed with sports. I played rep baseball when I was younger but my parents always pushed me toward music. 

When you think about it, athletes and real estate agents have more in common than you would expect. We thrive in competitive environments, challenge ourselves, strategize for success, and continue to think outside of the box by using innovative techniques. 

With over 10 years experience in Sales and Marketing, I have never made less than 6 figures from the moment I walked into the real estate industry. 

Between my wife and I we built the Real Estate Training Camp from experience giving you the perfect playbook to not only win, but to be Hall of Fame Worthy!  

Julia Porter

I went to school to be an Addiction Counsellor. I had a strong desire to help people break free from their vices, live their best life and achieve their full potential. 

I worked in developmental services for 5 years where I built personal plans, implemented growth strategies and taught skill building courses for the incredible individuals I supported. 

Two babies later, and it was time to do a shift so I joined my husband in the Real Estate world.

Using my skill set in goal setting, and systematic strategies for creating paths to success, I began rolling this out with both agents and admin staff. 

Creating a custom roadmap for success became eye opening for all the agents I've worked with through-out the years. 

 As a busy mom and entrepreneur, I am confident that we are capable of doing anything we put our minds to.  

Between my husband and I we built the Real Estate Training Camp from experience giving you the perfect playbook to not only win, but to be Hall of Fame Worthy!

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